Tuesday , October 22 2024

Tag Archives: government

City to hear proposals for development of Carousel Mall site

carousel mall

Carousel Mall in the Heart of San Bernardino sits empty as a tomb and rotting like a bad tooth in need of extraction.  But exactly who should foot the bill and what should be redeveloped in its place is a matter that has long been controversial and no proposal has …

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Two Candidates Announce Runs for Mayor in San Bernardino

Although Incumbent Faces Challenges His Opposition so far is Weak Two People Have officially announced challenges to embattled Mayor of San Bernardino.  Treasure Ortiz a political neophyte and previous loser in a council campaign has thrown her beret into the ring and Helen Tran a current Parks Commissioner has announced …

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Tow truck companies cry foul over updated requirements by city

Multiple towing companies that have long done business with the City of San Bernardino and received no-bid contracts have filed a letter of grievance with the city because of the updated safety requirements in the new RFP for towing services that is due by March 31st. In a letter the …

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