Friday , July 26 2024


The Unintended Consequences of High Crime

The Unintended Consequences of High Crime

By Dr. Currie Myers Bad criminal justice public policy will eventually lead to an increase in crime, high taxes, and a mass exodus of businesses and citizens. Cities across the country that have previously mandated poorly thought out criminal justice public policy, such as police defund movements are now faced …

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City Council incumbents likely to avoid runoff in November

City Council incumbents likely to avoid runoff in November

Voters in San Bernardino City Council elections for the 1st, 2nd and 4th Wards have likely reelected the incumbent councilmembers to their seats on the dais for another four years. Results are not final and votes are still being tabulated, but 1st Ward Councilmember Theodore Sanchez, 2nd Ward Councilmember Sandra …

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Council needs to put citizens above petty politics

carousel mall

The San Bernardino City Council continues to put petty politics above the need to get sensible things done for the community.  In their zeal to deny their political opponent, Mayor John Valdivia, any victory on policy heading into the voting next week they again refused to take action on a …

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Unarmed police in schools doesn’t help the kids

Unarmed police in schools doesn't help the kids

Banks often have armed guards, Jewelry stores often have armed guards and celebrities and politicians often have a retinue of armed personnel along with them.  If these people and places are considered so precious that they need to be protected by firearms, don’t our children deserve as much or even …

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It is time for a change in San Bernardino

It is time for a change in San Bernardino

It is certainly time for a change in San Bernardino.  The political culture of the City is toxic.  This is a factor that all companies consider before making an investment in a City.  As long as the fractious nature of the city leadership and culture is on display, the City’s …

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City on right track to deal with vagrancy in public parks

City on right track to deal with vagrancy in public parks

Nearly two decades ago a judge ruled that a foul homeless man who screamed, stared and otherwise disturbed the library patrons and never read anything had a right to do just that.  More recently, California judges have ruled that cities could not force vagrants to leave spaces they were living …

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City council wasting time and resources pursuing censorship

The residents of San Bernardino are being ill served by the council members and should let them know their displeasure in the next elections.  The city council is obsessed with attacking Mayor John Valdivia and is wasting time and taxpayer’s resources doing this and ironically are engaging in exactly the …

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Can San Bernardino’s downtown thrive again?

One of the unique advantages the City of San Bernardino has going for it is the fact that it is the county seat.  Because it is the capitol city of San Bernardino County, many of the county’s operations are housed there including the main administrative building where the Board of …

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Mask madness in California schools

K-12 students in California who refuse to wear masks inside school buildings will be barred from campuses and offered “alternative educational opportunities,” state officials announced Monday, July 12. The exception will be for students granted exemptions, such as those whose medical condition that make it too difficult for them to …

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California’s Self-Inflicted Energy Woes

San Bernardino residents, and Californians as a whole, are again being asked to “Flex their Power” in an effort to prevent electrical outages during another hot summer evening. For long-time residents of the Inland Empire, hot summers are not particularly unusual.  Our forefathers have been living here for hundreds of …

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