Thursday , March 6 2025

State of the City is for highlighting accomplishments, not empty hyperhole

The usual suspects in San Bernardino politics who are known for empty hyperbole and wild accusations about the conduct of the Mayor are at it again.

The State of the City Event in San Bernardino is a time to savor the accomplishments of the past year, which have been many, and to look forward to what is an increasingly bright future under the leadership of Mayor Valdivia. Instead it became another farce of political theater for the rabid opponents of the Mayor.

Treasure Ortiz, who has run for various offices but never won, posted on her Facebook page that the council has voted to take several actions, none of which carry any real implications, against the Mayor for doing something that has been common practice for other elected officials for as long as most experts can remember.

Ortiz, who is not a medical DR. but claims the title anyway, much like Joe Biden’s wife, put out a post saying that the council had voted 7 to 0 to take these actions against Mayor John Valdivia for planning a VIP reception for constituents and business interests looking at the City among others prior to the main State of the City Event.

The VIP event in question is something that has been done by past mayors of the City of San Bernardino and they, like Valdivia used public funds to pay for them.  According to long-time councilman in San Bernardino Neil Derry, “State of the City, State of the County events, Economic Development events, all have been done over the years using public funds,” said Derry.  “Often there is a pre-event or post-event for people or organizations that the City wants to thank in some way or work with, this is nothing new or unusual in any way.”

According to city finance and government management expert and Vice-President of the Reason Foundation Dr. Adrian Moore, “These types of events are very common, the VIP event could be misconstrued as a political event, but it is very typical of the types of things that Mayor’s do and council people at events like this – it’s not ideal – it could be hosted by the Chamber of Commerce or some other organization but in the end is it a huge deal – not really.”

Ortiz and others just can’t seem to let the good news of San Bernardino and its resurgence shine, instead like monkeys in the Zoo; they choose to spread excrement all over the place.

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