Get ready for a delicious opportunity at the County Library! From March 1 to April 12, the San Bernardino County Library is teaming up with In-N-Out Burger for its annual reading promotion event. The Cover to Cover program encourages kids in every community across the county to dive into books and earn a free hamburger or cheeseburger as a tasty reward.
To participate, simply sign up online through Beanstack at Every time a child reads five books or 300 pages, they’ll unlock an achievement award on Beanstack, and a voucher will be available at their local County Library branch. Children ages four to 12 are eligible to participate and must be present to redeem their vouchers. Each child can earn up to three awards throughout the program. Happy reading!
The San Bernardino County Library system is a dynamic network of 32 branch libraries that serves a diverse population over a vast geographic area. The County Library strives to provide equal access to information, technology, programs and services for all people who call San Bernardino County home.
For more information about the San Bernardino County Library system, please visit or call 909-387-2220